About Beth

I am a Registered Psychologist with a doctorate in Counselling Psychology; a master's degree in Counselling Psychology and Family Life Education; a B.Ed. in Secondary Education; a B.Sc. in Mathematics and lived experience gained through roles of wife, mother, and grandmother. I believe this blend of formal and informal education enhances my understanding of issues that clients face at various stages of life. I have been in private practice since 1993.
Taking a collaborative approach to therapy, I strive to facilitate change by creating a counselling relationship that is a partnership. Clients have knowledge about their own lives, and I have knowledge and expertise about the therapy process. I encourage clients to be actively involved in their therapy as they work toward the goals they set for themselves. I help clients to identify their strengths and resources, to address barriers that may be getting in their way and to examine their issues in the context of what is going on in their lives. I celebrate diversity in individuals and relationships, helping people to find their voice.
In my general practice in psychology, I offer individual and couple therapy. My clients deal with a variety of issues including depression, anxiety, stress management, self-esteem, relationships, sexuality and communication skills.